鮑勃·凱裡 (Bob Carey)是 TuTu 計畫的發起人和攝影師,穿著他標誌性的粉紅色芭蕾舞短裙環遊世界,創造出令人驚嘆的攝影時刻。這一系列的靜態自畫像最初是為了讓他的妻子琳達 (Linda)在被診斷出患有乳腺癌後能够開心起來 而推出的,但是後來迅速風靡全球。Bob 與她太太創辦的 501(c)3 非營利組織籌集資金來幫助確診乳腺癌的病友。繼父母相繼罹癌過世後,他的妻子 Linda 在 46 歲時也確診癌症,為了陪伴、鼓舞妻子,他開始了幽默詼諧的 Tutu Project,為抗癌旅程增添了笑聲和希望。
鮑勃·凱裡 (Bob Carey)將他的攝影藝術作為自我表達和自我治療的一種形式,利用藝術作為一種溝通形式,幫助癌症病友應對日常挑戰,給予安慰與希望。Tutu 計畫的目標是向有需要的人們傳播歡樂、幸福和愛。 透過 每次在網路上發布的圖片和收到的郵件評論,我們知道它像蝴蝶效應一樣,影響了大家。
Cancer brings challenges and significant changes to life. No matter what stage of the disease we are in, we learn to cherish the importance of being with our loved ones. We believe that with a light-hearted, positive attitude and the power of new technology, we can improve the quality of life, prevent it, detect it early, or bravely fight it together.
Bob Carey is the founder and photographer of The Tutu Project, traveling the world in his iconic pink tutu to create stunning photographic moments. This series of still self-portraits was initially launched to cheer up his wife Linda after she was diagnosed with breast cancer, but it quickly gained global popularity. Bob and his wife founded a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization to raise funds to support those diagnosed with breast cancer. After losing both of his parents to cancer, his wife Linda was also diagnosed with cancer at the age of 46. To accompany and encourage his wife, Bob started the humorous and whimsical Tutu Project, bringing laughter and hope to their cancer journey.