攝影師Bob Carey

國際慈善家/ Tutu Project 創辦人

鮑勃·凱裡(Bob Carey)是TuTu計畫的發起人和攝影師,穿著他標誌性的粉紅色芭蕾舞短裙環遊世界,創造出令人驚嘆的攝影時刻。這一系列的靜態自畫像最初是為了讓他的妻子琳達(Linda)在被診斷出患有乳腺癌後能够開心起來而推出的,但是後來迅速風靡全球。Bob與她太太創辦的501(c)3非營利組織籌集資金來幫助確診乳腺癌的病友。

Bob Carey is The TuTu Project's Founder and photographer. His signature is to wear his pink tutu to travel around the world to create shocking photographic images for the world to see. This was inspired by his wife's breast cancer diagnosis. But when the images got viral, Bob and Linda decided to set up a 501(c)3 non-profit to support other breast cancer survivors.



“Love is not possession, and we believe in the power of COMMUNITY. ”


“Love is not exclusive, and we need to SUPPORT each other.”


“Love makes us learn how to laugh with a sense of humor, passing it on. It is ideas to legacy.”


鮑勃·凱裡 (Bob Carey)是 TuTu 計畫的發起人和攝影師,穿著他標誌性的粉紅色芭蕾舞短裙環遊世界,創造出令人驚嘆的攝影時刻。這一系列的靜態自畫像最初是為了讓他的妻子琳達 (Linda)在被診斷出患有乳腺癌後能够開心起來 而推出的,但是後來迅速風靡全球。Bob 與她太太創辦的 501(c)3 非營利組織籌集資金來幫助確診乳腺癌的病友。繼父母相繼罹癌過世後,他的妻子 Linda 在 46 歲時也確診癌症,為了陪伴、鼓舞妻子,他開始了幽默詼諧的 Tutu Project,為抗癌旅程增添了笑聲和希望。

鮑勃·凱裡 (Bob Carey)將他的攝影藝術作為自我表達和自我治療的一種形式,利用藝術作為一種溝通形式,幫助癌症病友應對日常挑戰,給予安慰與希望。Tutu 計畫的目標是向有需要的人們傳播歡樂、幸福和愛。 透過 每次在網路上發布的圖片和收到的郵件評論,我們知道它像蝴蝶效應一樣,影響了大家。

Cancer brings challenges and significant changes to life. No matter what stage of the disease we are in, we learn to cherish the importance of being with our loved ones. We believe that with a light-hearted, positive attitude and the power of new technology, we can improve the quality of life, prevent it, detect it early, or bravely fight it together.

Bob Carey is the founder and photographer of The Tutu Project, traveling the world in his iconic pink tutu to create stunning photographic moments. This series of still self-portraits was initially launched to cheer up his wife Linda after she was diagnosed with breast cancer, but it quickly gained global popularity. Bob and his wife founded a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization to raise funds to support those diagnosed with breast cancer. After losing both of his parents to cancer, his wife Linda was also diagnosed with cancer at the age of 46. To accompany and encourage his wife, Bob started the humorous and whimsical Tutu Project, bringing laughter and hope to their cancer journey.



"These photos—each one brought a smile to my face!"
"Thank you, I had a terrible week. I really appreciate you giving me hope and helping me get through it."

Messages from two patients: The world is closely connected, and a small action can impact the entire system, including people worldwide. He believes in the power of love to bring smiles and joy, and that acts of love can influence the world.

The First Ballerina.
Phoenix, AZ

這個項目是受到為亞利桑那芭蕾舞團拍攝的公益項目的啟發。他們邀請藝術家通過攝影來詮釋芭蕾舞的意義。我之前從未去過芭蕾舞,對「plié(屈膝動作)」和「pas de poisson(魚跳步)」等名詞一無所知。我的繼母在我妻子琳達和一位助手的幫助下為我做了這件粉色的芭蕾舞裙。在拍攝這些照片時,我還刮掉了身上的毛發,並且塗上了閃亮的銀色油漆。這些照片是我九年來黑白自拍系列的一部分。照片完成時,我在想像中的觀眾面前鞠躬。當時我還不知道這件粉色芭蕾舞裙會帶給我怎樣的體驗和機會。


This image was inspired by a pro bono project I shot for Ballet Arizona. They asked artists to photographically interpret the meaning of ballet. I had never been to a ballet before and was clueless as to the difference between a plié or a pas de poisson. My stepmother made the pink tutu for me with the help of my wife Linda and an assistant, who was wielding a razor because for these images, I shaved my body and painted it shiny silver. It was a look in a series of black-and-white self-portraits I had worked on for nine years. The photograph was complete as I bowed to an imaginary audience. At the time I had no idea of where this pink tutu would take me.

Off-season Wildwood is strange, there are so few people walking on the streets and most hotels are closed. Linda and I noticed this place with blue fiberglass palm trees from the 1950s and 60s. Watching workers add plastic tops, I knew I had to get this shot. After getting permission, Linda brought a box for me to stand on. I really wanted to climb one of these palm trees, but I’m too fat and there was no way I could do it by myself. Linda brought a prop box for me to stand on, I’d shoot with a remote, and then she'd bring it back when I couldn't hold on. Fiberglass shards poked my chest each time. Kids walked by, very curious. The photo shows those out-of-place trees, just like I felt. And at the top, what was I going to find– a blue coconut?

Blue Palms.
Wildwood, New Jersey



Off-season Wildwood is strange, there are so few people walking on the streets and most hotels are closed. Linda and I noticed this place with blue fiberglass palm trees from the 1950s and 60s. Watching workers add plastic tops, I knew I had to get this shot. After getting permission, Linda brought a box for me to stand on. I really wanted to climb one of these palm trees, but I’m too fat and there was no way I could do it by myself. Linda brought a prop box for me to stand on, I’d shoot with a remote, and then she'd bring it back when I couldn't hold on. Fiberglass shards poked my chest each time. Kids walked by, very curious. The photo shows those out-of-place trees, just like I felt. And at the top, what was I going to find– a blue coconut?

Linda and I were invited to shoot a tutu image in Taipei, Taiwan for Marie Claire Magazine; Marie Claire had written about The Tutu Project five years ago, which inspired the magazine to sponsor a fundraising Pink Run every year since the article appeared. We felt it was a tremendous honor. Right before we were supposed to leave, Linda got really sick with bronchitis, which prevented her from flying with me to Taipei. I was put up by the magazine at Shangri-La’s Far Eastern Plaza Hotel, a super-luxurious hotel overlooking the spectacular Taipei 101, formerly known as the Taipei World Financial Center. At 101 floors, Taipei 101 was the largest building in the world until the 2010 completion of the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. No matter – it’s still outrageously beautiful by any standards.

Taipei Night.
Taipei, Taiwan

我和琳達受邀前往台灣台北為《Marie Claire》雜誌拍攝一張穿著芭蕾舞裙的照片;《Marie Claire》在五年前曾經報導過芭蕾舞裙計劃,這篇文章激發了雜誌自那時起每年舉辦籌款粉紅路跑活動。我們覺得這是個極大的榮譽。


Linda and I were invited to shoot a tutu image in Taipei, Taiwan for Marie Claire Magazine; Marie Claire had written about The Tutu Project five years ago, which inspired the magazine to sponsor a fundraising Pink Run every year since the article appeared. We felt it was a tremendous honor. Right before we were supposed to leave, Linda got really sick with bronchitis, which prevented her from flying with me to Taipei. I was put up by the magazine at Shangri-La’s Far Eastern Plaza Hotel, a super-luxurious hotel overlooking the spectacular Taipei 101, formerly known as the Taipei World Financial Center. At 101 floors, Taipei 101 was the largest building in the world until the 2010 completion of the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. No matter – it’s still outrageously beautiful by any standards.

After months inside due to COVID-19, I needed a quick road trip to stay sane. I chose Atlantic City, usually busy but empty due to the pandemic. The ocean is my favorite, and the bright lights reflecting on the sand were beautiful. Despite the cold and snow-covered sand, I captured this image while listening to casino music on the boardwalk. It was surreal.

Even more surreal was a teenager suddenly appearing without a mask, asking what I was doing. I stepped back immediately, as it was early in the pandemic and we knew little about the virus. I got a COVID test afterward, though she was only there for ten seconds! Always an adventure!

Atlantic City Pier.
Altantic City, New Jersey



After months inside due to COVID-19, I needed a quick road trip to stay sane. I chose Atlantic City, usually busy but empty due to the pandemic. The ocean is my favorite, and the bright lights reflecting on the sand were beautiful. Despite the cold and snow-covered sand, I captured this image while listening to casino music on the boardwalk. It was surreal.

Even more surreal was a teenager suddenly appearing without a mask, asking what I was doing. I stepped back immediately, as it was early in the pandemic and we knew little about the virus. I got a COVID test afterward, though she was only there for ten seconds! Always an adventure!

Allentown, New Jersey

是的,這張照片中的確是一隻真正的斑馬,而且不,我拍攝它的時候並不是在動物園。這是在新澤西州的Dun Hollow馬厩拍攝的,這是一個馬匹寄養和訓練設施。Dun Hollow是我們的籌款贊助商之一;當我們拜訪他們時,所有的馬廄員工都穿著芭蕾舞裙來迎接我們。



Yes, that's a real zebra, and no, this wasn't at a zoo. I took this shot at Dun Hollow Stables in New Jersey, an equine boarding and training facility and one of our fundraising sponsors. When we arrived, the staff were all dressed in tutus.

They invited me to take a tutu photograph, and we found a beautifully lit old wooden arena as the perfect backdrop. The stable owner, Eugene, asked if I wanted to photograph his zebra. To my surprise, he led me to a stall with a genuine one-year-old zebra with gorgeous stripes.

The zebra was skittish and hard to manage. Despite several attempts, he kept running off, but eventually, I managed to get the shot. Sometimes, you stumble upon strange and wonderful things when you least expect them.

My nephew Grant is passionate and dedicated to flying. He's a commercial pilot, is building his own plane and works with Red Bull and Kirby Chambliss. Kirby is an American world champion aerobatic and air race pilot, one of the best in the world. In one of my visits to Arizona, Grant arranged for me to shoot this image using Kirby's wife Kellie's Piper Cub. A big thanks to Kirby for taking the photo and Kellie for letting us use her plane! This is one of Linda's favorite photos because her dad had a similar yellow plane, a Piper Clipper, which was a huge part of her childhood.

Kellie’s Cub.
Undisclosed location in Arizona

我的侄子格蘭特對飛行充滿熱情且全心投入。他是一名商業飛行員,正在自建飛機,並與紅牛(Red Bull)和柯比·尚布利斯(Kirby Chambliss)合作。柯比是一位美國世界冠軍特技和空中競賽飛行員,是世界上最優秀的飛行員之一。在我訪問亞利桑那州期間,格蘭特安排我拍攝了這張照片,使用了柯比的妻子凱莉的派珀飛機。特別感謝柯比拍攝這張照片,以及凱莉讓我們使用她的飛機!這張照片是琳達最喜歡的之一,因為她的父親有一架類似的黃色飛機,一直是她童年時期的重要記憶。

My nephew Grant is passionate and dedicated to flying. He's a commercial pilot, is building his own plane and works with Red Bull and Kirby Chambliss. Kirby is an American world champion aerobatic and air race pilot, one of the best in the world. In one of my visits to Arizona, Grant arranged for me to shoot this image using Kirby's wife Kellie's Piper Cub. A big thanks to Kirby for taking the photo and Kellie for letting us use her plane! This is one of Linda's favorite photos because her dad had a similar yellow plane, a Piper Clipper, which was a huge part of her childhood.

I love when it snows in New York City, especially in Central Park, where the trees are stripped bare by winter. This particular morning, we drove to Central Park after it snowed and went straight to the park’s mall, a very iconic location. We began shooting a somewhat normal shot on a beautiful morning, snow slowly melting on the asphalt. Then I spot these four elegant dogs being walked by their owner. I ran over to Marcela, who was assisting me, and asked if she would talk to the guy to see whether I could use his dogs in a photograph. He was very happy to lend me his dogs. They all behaved beautifully and we got the shot. And, of course, only in New York would the owner ask if he needed to sign a model release for the dogs.

Four Dogs.
Central Park, New York, New York


I love when it snows in New York City, especially in Central Park, where the trees are stripped bare by winter. This particular morning, we drove to Central Park after it snowed and went straight to the park’s mall, a very iconic location. We began shooting a somewhat normal shot on a beautiful morning, snow slowly melting on the asphalt. Then I spot these four elegant dogs being walked by their owner. I ran over to Marcela, who was assisting me, and asked if she would talk to the guy to see whether I could use his dogs in a photograph. He was very happy to lend me his dogs. They all behaved beautifully and we got the shot. And, of course, only in New York would the owner ask if he needed to sign a model release for the dogs.

I always like to take road trips out to the Jersey Shore. I usually have this idea in the afternoon and get there kind of late, so I always have to hurry up and get the shot off before it gets too dark to take pictures. It seems like I always push it to the limit where I can barely focus or see anymore. Fortunately, with digital photography, there's such latitude to leave the shutter open and it records stuff that you could never imagine that it could record. Ever. This time, it wasn’t dark but almost, and the exposure was 2 seconds, which is why I’m not that sharp. Other than losing the light, it was a quiet shoot, but this photo is one of my favorites.

Evening Walk.
Long Beach Island, New Jersey


I always like to take road trips out to the Jersey Shore. I usually have this idea in the afternoon and get there kind of late, so I always have to hurry up and get the shot off before it gets too dark to take pictures. It seems like I always push it to the limit where I can barely focus or see anymore. Fortunately, with digital photography, there's such latitude to leave the shutter open and it records stuff that you could never imagine that it could record. Ever. This time, it wasn’t dark but almost, and the exposure was 2 seconds, which is why I’m not that sharp. Other than losing the light, it was a quiet shoot, but this photo is one of my favorites.

Elmira, Michigan



幾天後,我的小姨子Lori去上班,她的朋友問她,“你的小舅子在城裡嗎?因為我聽警察掃描器說,在Mt. Jack路上有一個芭蕾舞者,所以我想可能是他在這裡。”“是的,”她回答,“他們在這裡待了三天,剛剛離開。”又一次芭蕾舞者的目擊事件。

I was at my sister-in-laws house for a memorial because her husband had passed away. When I go to those family things, I have to head out and do my own thing. I found this picture-perfect scene – the fence was perfect, the horses out in the pasture were perfect. When you get closer to horses, they naturally come up to you, I’ve found. Cows and horses, they all want to get close. It’s weird. Then they walk away.

It was amazing because everything was just perfect; it was one of those special moments. While shooting, a truck pulled up. The driver, possibly the owner or the place, kind of laughed at what I was doing.

Later, my sister-in-law Lori heard from a friend that there was a police scanner report about a ballerina on Mt. Jack Rd. Her friend asked if I was in town, and she confirmed we had just left. Another unexpected ballerina sighting.

Bloomingdale’s has been a major sponsor of The Tutu Project since we started. They are a fantastic partner to work with and have given us many opportunities to share our work with their customers and give us access to shoot in their stores—or, in this case, outside.

This was taken at their flagship store in New York. We introduced ourselves to the doorman. He was a cancer survivor, agreed to be in the photo and was so much fun to work with. A random New Yorker stopped to take a picture of me as I was shooting. I thought she was a great addition to the photo and she agreed to be photographed. Have to love New York!

Door Man.
Bloomingdale's New York, New York

Bloomingdale’s 自我們開始以來一直是 The Tutu Project 的主要贊助商。他們是很棒的合作夥伴,給了我們許多機會與他們的顧客分享我們的工作,並允許我們在他們的商店內拍攝,這次是在外面拍攝。


Bloomingdale’s has been a major sponsor of The Tutu Project since we started. They are a fantastic partner to work with and have given us many opportunities to share our work with their customers and give us access to shoot in their stores—or, in this case, outside.

This was taken at their flagship store in New York. We introduced ourselves to the doorman. He was a cancer survivor, agreed to be in the photo and was so much fun to work with. A random New Yorker stopped to take a picture of me as I was shooting. I thought she was a great addition to the photo and she agreed to be photographed. Have to love New York!

For nearly 20 years, I've been friends with the harmonica player for country music legend Willie Nelson. When he's in town, we hang out, and I've met other band members and even met Willie once. My friend suggested I get on stage for a tutu picture, but the chance never came.

One day in New Jersey, my friend proposed using Willie’s famous guitar, Trigger, for a photo. In an empty auditorium, perfect for my themes of isolation and loneliness, I decided to shoot towards the vacant seats. Holding Trigger, I was repeatedly warned, "Whatever you do, do not drop the guitar!"

New Jersey Center for Performing Arts.
Newark, New Jersey

近20年來,我和鄉村音樂傳奇Willie Nelson的口琴演奏者是好朋友。每次他來城裡,我們都會一起出去玩,我也認識了其他樂隊成員、工作人員,甚至有一次見到了Willie本人。我的朋友認為,在演出期間上台拍一張穿著芭蕾裙的照片會很棒,只可惜機會從未真正出現。


For nearly 20 years, I've been friends with the harmonica player for country music legend Willie Nelson. When he's in town, we hang out, and I've met other band members and even met Willie once. My friend suggested I get on stage for a tutu picture, but the chance never came.

One day in New Jersey, my friend proposed using Willie’s famous guitar, Trigger, for a photo. In an empty auditorium, perfect for my themes of isolation and loneliness, I decided to shoot towards the vacant seats. Holding Trigger, I was repeatedly warned, "Whatever you do, do not drop the guitar!"

I love multi-level parking structures, and this one in Tempe, Arizona near ASU was beautifully lit at night. Excited, I thought, "Man, there's got to be a shot in there," so my assistant Nate Woodruff and I drove around in circles for 20 minutes scoping the location. I was forcing myself to find something interesting and there was nothing there – or so I thought.

I have a rule: if I don't see a shot, I turn around 180 degrees. When I did, I found a perfectly lit, empty parking lot. I got down from the sixth floor of the garage to the parking lot, taking a cheap remote control with me, which ended up not working. Luckily I had somebody with me and we set up a number of possible images. At around 1 AM, a UPS semi parked right in my shot. I approached the driver in my tutu and asked him to move. He did, but didn't really react too much, which was weird.

Parking Lot.
Arizona State University Tempe, Arizona

當我在亞利桑那州溫普市附近的亞利桑那州立大學(Arizona State University)附近的一座多層停車結構看到它在夜晚被美麗的藍光照亮時,我真的很喜歡多層停車結構,但不知為何。我與助手Nate Woodruff開車繞圈子大約20分鐘,勘察場地。我在強迫自己找到有趣的東西,但我認為那裡什麼都沒有。


I love multi-level parking structures, and this one in Tempe, Arizona near ASU was beautifully lit at night. Excited, I thought, "Man, there's got to be a shot in there," so my assistant Nate Woodruff and I drove around in circles for 20 minutes scoping the location. I was forcing myself to find something interesting and there was nothing there – or so I thought.

I have a rule: if I don't see a shot, I turn around 180 degrees. When I did, I found a perfectly lit, empty parking lot. I got down from the sixth floor of the garage to the parking lot, taking a cheap remote control with me, which ended up not working. Luckily I had somebody with me and we set up a number of possible images. At around 1 AM, a UPS semi parked right in my shot. I approached the driver in my tutu and asked him to move. He did, but didn't really react too much, which was weird.

Arches National Park, Utah



I was on a road trip, one of my favorite things to do, with a good friend who was the first to hire me as a photo assistant, which started my career in photography.

I love the Southwest of the United States and have wanted to visit this park for many years to take this photograph. My first goal was to hike to the Delicate Arch, but 50 years of abusing my body with skiing, skateboarding, and any other adventure I could find, along with all the jumping in my tutu, had done a number on my knees. But the Window Arch wasn’t a terrible compromise and it was an easy walk from the parking lot. Another great adventure!

Early one winter morning around 5:30 am, I was photographing in Central Park when a man named Dathan joined us. At the end of the session, he asked if I would be interested in shooting with the American Ballet Theater at Lincoln Center. Two weeks later, we had permission to shoot.

The photo session had to be done at the end of a dress rehearsal, and we had only five minutes with the "swans." I reviewed a DVD of the performance and selected ten positions to discuss with the ballet mistress, who helped choose the best ones. After coordinating with the lighting director, I set up two cameras in the back of the theater. There I was, standing on stage, 40 pounds overweight and in a floppy pink tutu, just 20 feet from 20 stunning young women who had trained their whole lives for this moment.

As I began photographing, the ballet mistress announced I had three minutes left. I begged for five full minutes, and the dancers agreed to stay extra because the union rep, who had lost his wife eight years earlier, thought it was a good cause. After the shoot, a dancer told me her mom had been diagnosed and had been following our project, and she started to cry. The entire experience was unforgettable and deeply personal

Swan Lake with the American Ballet Theater.
New York City, New York




Early one winter morning around 5:30 am, I was photographing in Central Park when a man named Dathan joined us. At the end of the session, he asked if I would be interested in shooting with the American Ballet Theater at Lincoln Center. Two weeks later, we had permission to shoot.

The photo session had to be done at the end of a dress rehearsal, and we had only five minutes with the "swans." I reviewed a DVD of the performance and selected ten positions to discuss with the ballet mistress, who helped choose the best ones. After coordinating with the lighting director, I set up two cameras in the back of the theater. There I was, standing on stage, 40 pounds overweight and in a floppy pink tutu, just 20 feet from 20 stunning young women who had trained their whole lives for this moment.

As I began photographing, the ballet mistress announced I had three minutes left. I begged for five full minutes, and the dancers agreed to stay extra because the union rep, who had lost his wife eight years earlier, thought it was a good cause. After the shoot, a dancer told me her mom had been diagnosed and had been following our project, and she started to cry. The entire experience was unforgettable and deeply personal.

At 15, a friend who inspired me to be a photographer and I visited Monument Valley in Utah. It’s a very spiritual place for me, though it’s changed a lot since my first visit (now, there’s a hotel right on the rim looking down into the valley). Recently, my friend Doc and I stayed at a nearby hotel. There's an overlook with a famous sandstone rock that Ansel Adams photographed in the late 1950s. Today, it's worn from years of tourists walking on it.

We got up at sunrise to capture one of the most photographed views in the world. I set up early, but soon 50-60 tourists joined. The shot looks like I'm alone, but panning right would show the crowd. I was gratified that they still remembered our project.

Afterward, three Japanese families recognized me and wanted photos with The Man in The Tutu. I was gratified that they still remembered our project.

Monument Valley, Utah




At 15, a friend who inspired me to be a photographer and I visited Monument Valley in Utah. It’s a very spiritual place for me, though it’s changed a lot since my first visit (now, there’s a hotel right on the rim looking down into the valley). Recently, my friend Doc and I stayed at a nearby hotel. There's an overlook with a famous sandstone rock that Ansel Adams photographed in the late 1950s. Today, it's worn from years of tourists walking on it.

We got up at sunrise to capture one of the most photographed views in the world. I set up early, but soon 50-60 tourists joined. The shot looks like I'm alone, but panning right would show the crowd. I was gratified that they still remembered our project.

Afterward, three Japanese families recognized me and wanted photos with The Man in The Tutu. I was gratified that they still remembered our project.

This is another great memory from when I was in Taipei for the 2019 Marie Claire Pink Run. There’s a great story behind this temple. There are statues of the City God, his wife, the Chinese Cupid, and 600 other deities. If the statue of the Chinese Cupid is standing, it means that he is eager to find a good marriage for people. Because of this, the temple attracts a lot of singles looking for a significant other.My purpose was to get a great picture becuase I already have a great wife.

Taipei Xia-Hai City God Temple.
Taipei, Taiwan



This is another great memory from when I was in Taipei for the 2019 Marie Claire Pink Run. There’s a great story behind this temple. There are statues of the City God, his wife, the Chinese Cupid, and 600 other deities. If the statue of the Chinese Cupid is standing, it means that he is eager to find a good marriage for people. Because of this, the temple attracts a lot of singles looking for a significant other.My purpose was to get a great picture becuase I already have a great wife.

ILLUME Taipei.
Taipei, Taiwan



I took this image when I was in Taipei to speak at the 2024 TEDxXinyi event. The hotel believes in what we’re doing for the breast cancer community, generous in sponsoring my stay in Taipei and so kind in helping me find the perfect spot to take the photo.

I love the graphic beauty of the architecture, which is what attracted me to this location. The floors behind me make the perfect backdrop.

Living Inch is a company whose fundamental values incorporate the importance of eating well and living a healthy lifestyle. One morning, we made a special visit to their farm in Taoyuan to shoot a tutu image. After arriving, we enjoyed a traditional Taiwanese breakfast and the beautiful scenery. While appreciating the local scenery, we noticed an employee dressed in a vibrant orange jumpsuit, radiating energy and vitality.

The employees put a great deal of care into what they do and are great to work with. During the shoot, we had to keep an eye on the weather and cloud changes, but despite the challenges we made it work. They were incredibly friendly and patient throughout the process. Another great adventure! Linda and I are very grateful for their support.

Living Inch Farm.
Taoyuan, Taiwan


Linda 和我非常感謝他們的支持。

Living Inch is a company whose fundamental values incorporate the importance of eating well and living a healthy lifestyle. One morning, we made a special visit to their farm in Taoyuan to shoot a tutu image. After arriving, we enjoyed a traditional Taiwanese breakfast and the beautiful scenery. While appreciating the local scenery, we noticed an employee dressed in a vibrant orange jumpsuit, radiating energy and vitality.

The employees put a great deal of care into what they do and are great to work with. During the shoot, we had to keep an eye on the weather and cloud changes, but despite the challenges we made it work. They were incredibly friendly and patient throughout the process. Another great adventure! Linda and I are very grateful for their support.

What you see definitely is not what’s happening in this photograph, taken inside one of the rooms at the Standard Hotel at High Line Park. The hotel, overlooking a park built from an old elevated train track, had a history of no room drapes, causing privacy issues until they were added. I was visiting my old assistant, now renowned photographer Chris McPherson, at the Standard. We were talking in his hotel room when he came up with the idea of opening the drapes and having me pose with my back pressed to the glass window, creating the illusion that I was on the outside of the building. Despite usually working solo, I couldn't pass up this idea and perfect lighting. Chris shot from the park below as a crowd gathered, likely thinking I might jump. This is one of my all-time favorite shot.

Standard Hotel.
New York, New York

這張照片是在高線公園標準酒店的一個房間裡拍攝的,所見與真實情況完全不同。這家酒店位於紐約市肉品加工區附近四個街區,俯瞰著由舊高架火車軌道改造而成的公園。我的老助手Chris McPherson,他從17歲起我就認識他,如今已成為全球知名的商業攝影師,當時正在城裡,住在標準酒店。這家酒店有一個非常有趣的歷史。最初設計時,房間裡沒有窗簾,以便酒店客人可以俯瞰公園。這對於公園裡的人來說是一個大問題,他們可以看到房間裡的情侶在進行親密活動。最後,城市要求酒店在從地板到天花板的房間窗戶上裝上窗簾。 我在拜訪Chris時,他想出了打開窗簾,讓我背靠著玻璃窗擺姿勢,創造出我在建築外部的錯覺的想法。我通常不會與他人合作我的芭蕾舞裙照片,但這個想法加上完美的燈光實在太完美了,我無法拒絕。我把相機交給Chris,自己靠在窗戶上,讓他從公園下面拍攝我。此時,一群人圍觀,可能以為我要跳樓自殺。這是我最喜歡的照片之一,無可置疑。

What you see definitely is not what’s happening in this photograph, taken inside one of the rooms at the Standard Hotel at High Line Park. The hotel, overlooking a park built from an old elevated train track, had a history of no room drapes, causing privacy issues until they were added. I was visiting my old assistant, now renowned photographer Chris McPherson, at the Standard. We were talking in his hotel room when he came up with the idea of opening the drapes and having me pose with my back pressed to the glass window, creating the illusion that I was on the outside of the building. Despite usually working solo, I couldn't pass up this idea and perfect lighting. Chris shot from the park below as a crowd gathered, likely thinking I might jump. This is one of my all-time favorite shot.

Time Square.
New York, New York




When I started the project, I always thought that New York Times Square would be the Holy Grail of ballerina pictures. Surprisingly, it was the easiest because no one cared what I was doing.

I didn’t have a permit and the only time the police approached me was when I walked over to their horses. I was five feet from them, carrying a remote, since I was shooting with a camera across the street. One of the cops said, "Why?" I replied, "Why not?" He then asked if I had anything under my tutu, and I showed my pink gym shorts. All this happened forty feet from The Naked Cowboy, who sings in tighty whities and a cowboy hat. At that moment, no one was watching him, proving a hairy, half-naked man in a tutu can steal the show.

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